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Searching and Editing Use of Force Submissions in the Pennsylvania UCR Portal

A person being handcuffed by a police officer

In our previous posts, we've covered everything from data fields to zero reports to electronic submissions. Continuing our Use of Force series, this post will cover a quick example of searching and editing a Use of Force Incident through the Pennsylvania UCR portal.

*Note - We use the UCR Test Site in this example for illustrative purposes. The "live" UCR Site may have slight differences.

*You can click on any pictures in this post to expand the size.

To access the Pennsylvania UCR Site, navigate to and log in using your Keystone credentials.

The PA UCR login screen

Searching for a Use of Force Incident

Expand the "Data Center" heading from the left-hand menu (A), and select the "Search" option (B).

A screenshot outlining the "Search" option on the PACUR portal

In the "Search Criteria" area, users can enter a combination of Report Type, Month of Submission, Year of Submission, and the Report Identifier (A). In this example, we've entered the Report Type of "Use of Force," the Month of "April," and the Year "2023." (This will return all Use of Force incidents reported in April 2023.) After entering the search criteria, select the "Search" button (B).

An image illustrating the Report Search Criteria

Matching results are displayed in the "Reports" grid (A). The user has options to "Delete" the incident (B) or "View" the incident (C).

Results grid with options to delete or edit an incident

The "View" option will open the incident in "read-only" mode.

A read-only version of a Use of Force report

Editing a Use of Force Incident

At the bottom of the page, there are options to "Return to Search (A) and "Edit Use of Force Report" (B). Selecting the "Edit" option will allow the user to update the previously submitted Use of Force incident.

Return to search or Edit report buttons


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