April 2024 Tips - Effective Case Management Using "List Case Status"
Police case assignments are crucial to the investigative process. Officers assigned to a case collect evidence, interview witnesses, and track down leads. Effective case assignments help to solve crimes, bring perpetrators to justice, and build trust in the community. For administrators, it is not just important, but their responsibility to keep track of these assignments to ensure the case is flowing in the right direction. In-Synch RMS makes this simple and easy to accomplish with the "List Case Status" option in Administrative Review.
Using the List Case Status Function
From the Admin Review module, highlight a case in the grid.
Select "List Case Status" from the View drop-down list.
A new window will open, listing each assignment, the status of the assignment, and the assignment date. From the List Case Status window, users can locate individual assignments in Admin Review by highlighting the assignment in the grid (A) and then selecting the "Locate" button (B).
After locating an assignment, it can be previewed or opened in Case Builder for review. Supervisors may also add additional review notes. The "List Case Status" function is often used to find outstanding assignments that keep a case from being closed or archived.
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