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Training and Support

In-Synch RMS Training

Our training program is proven to show even computer novices how In-Synch RMS can make their jobs easier. Moreover, each trainee receives access to an online manual that they can rely on for step-by-step operating instructions. Agencies can also participate in live and recorded training events, user-group meetings, conferences, and various other training-related activities.

24/7 Help Desk Support

Our customers receive 24/7 assistance from technicians who are consistently rated as excellent by customer satisfaction surveys. Customers receive support via an 800 telephone number (1-800-243-6540 Ext 2) and their computer screens using our remote assistance program that enables real-time communication. We also provide ongoing training to keep customers current with improvements to our software.

Training in State Reporting

In-Synch Systems offers comprehensive training in crime reporting requirements of states and instruction in the proper use of In-Synch RMS to complete these tasks. Training includes instruction on both the UCR SRS and NIBRS reporting systems.

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