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July 2015 Tips - Master Name Index

Master Name Index

The Person Management module includes a self-building Master Name Index. The Master Name Index displays contact history for a person. This history can include items such as: addresses, phone numbers, physical descriptors, calls-for-service, cases, citations, warrants, etc. Viewing the Master Name Index With a person record loaded in the Person Management window, select the Master Name Index (MNI) button. The MNI button can be either blue and green or red and yellow in color, depending on the type of history related to the individual. (Red and Yellow is a visual indicator that the person has been listed as a SUSPECT or ARRESTEE.)

After selecting the Master Name Index button, a new window will open displaying the different types of contact with the individual. These types of contact are grouped in a tabular format. You will only see a tab if it contains information.

Viewing Call and Case Reports Calls and cases associated to the individual can be previewed from their respective tabs in the Master Name Index. To preview a Call Summary Report, select the "Click Here" button to the right of the report.

Case Reports can be viewed by "double-clicking" on the report, or by "right-clicking" and selecting "Case Report" from the context menu.

Previewing the Master Name Index Report Select the "Preview" button to see the data contained in the Master Name Index as a report.

From the Preview window, use the arrows to navigate pages (A), or print/email using the corresponding buttons on the upper left of the Preview window (B).


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