NIBRS Administrative Segment Explained
NIBRS Submissions may seem complex, but it becomes much easier to understand when you break them down into small chunks. NIBRS...

What is "The Cloud?"
How to think about this mysterious information storm we are all living under? For years now, we have heard about "the cloud." Everywhere...

March 2023 Tips - Parole and Probation Registrations
Nearly 4 million people are on probation or parole in the United States. Right now, people under probation or parole make up the vast...

Use of Force - Officer Information
What information is gathered in the Use of force Officer segment? We've previously discussed the Incident and Subject segments in the Use...

NIBRS - Nothing But Offense(s)!
The first and often most important questions about NIBRS all focus on one thing - Classifying Crimes! Today we will be taking you on a...

Basic Computing: Web Services in Law Enforcement
What is a Web Service? Web services are software components designed to communicate over the internet and allow different applications...

February 2023 Tips - Monitoring Victims' Rights Information
What are Victims' Rights? Victims' rights are legal rights afforded to individuals victimized by crime. These rights are designed to...

Use of Force - Subject Information
What's the deal with the Use of force subject segment? So, you answered "Yes" to one (or more) of the Use of Force Qualification...

Comparing SRS to NIBRS Data Collection
The UCR Summary Reporting System (SRS) collected monthly counts of the number of crimes known to law enforcement from thousands of...

Basic Computing: Dealing with XML in Law Enforcement
With software systems and standards/requirements continually advancing in public safety, things that seemed much easier in the past...