September 2019 Tips - Call Approvals
Call Approvals
In-Synch RMS allows for the approval (and unapproval) of calls-for-service through the Call Log Module. By default, members of the "Administrators" security group have the call approval right. The "APPROVECALLS" right can also be granted or denied on a security group or individual user basis. The steps below outline the approval process.
1. To approve a call, highlight the call in the Call Log grid (A) and then select the “Approve” option from the Actions drop-down list (B).

2. The call will then become locked for users without the “APPROVECALLS” right, and the “Approved” checkbox will be marked in the Call Log grid.

3. If a user without the “APPROVECALLS” right attempts to open the call, the following message will display:

4. If a user with the “APPROVECALLS” right attempts to open the call, they will receive the following message:

5. After acknowledging either of the warnings, the Call Details window will open. However, for any user without the “APPROVECALLS” right, the “Save” button will be inactive.

Unapproving a Call
The “APPROVECALLS” right also gives the user the ability to unapprove calls in the Call Log module. The steps below outline the unapproval process.
1. Highlight the call in the Call Log grid (A) and then select the “Unapprove” option from the Actions drop-down list (B).

2. The call will then become unlocked for all users, and the “Approved” checkbox will be unchecked in the Call Log grid.