March 2018 Tips - Searching Persons by Gender
Searching Persons by Gender
Over the last few months, we have been monitoring the searches being performed on the new online training website. This month's tips will be based on a search that has appeared several times: "Searching a Person by Gender". The best way to accomplish this type of search is through the Query module.
1. From the main toolbar, select the Query module.

2. With the Query module open, select the Add button (A), highlight the Person group (B), and then select the "OK" button (C).

3. On the Selection Criteria window, select "Gender" from the Attribute list.

4. With the "Gender" attribute selected, choose a gender from the drop-down list (A) and then select the "OK" button (B).

5. Highlight the fields you wish to view from the "Available Columns" section (A) and then select the "Include Arrow" (B).

You can highlight multiple items in the "Available Columns" list by holding down the "Ctrl" button on the keyboard and then selecting the "Include Arrow". There are also options to include all available fields by using the "Double Include Arrows" or by using the drag-and-drop method to move the required fields to the "Selected Columns" box.
6. Once the required fields have been chosen, select the "Search" button to run the query.

7. This will return all person records in the RMS that meet your selected gender criteria.

Did You Know?
You can add more Person Attributes or other Groups to refine your Gender results even further.
8. The results screen can be sorted and filtered using the column headers (A). Results can be included in a report, exported to Excel, or viewed through the Master Name Index, by using the buttons at the top of the Search Results window (B).