April 2016 Tips - Crime Code Query
Finding All Cases Related to a Crime Code
The query module in In-Synch RMS can be used to retrieve various types of information stored in your agency's database. A commonly run query is: Finding all cases related to a crime code. This query is useful for finding a quick count of how many times a crime code has been used and detailed analysis of each of the results. Selecting the First Criteria Group With a query module open, select the "Add" button in the upper left of the window.
Select "Crime Codes" from the group criteria window (A) and then select the "OK" button (B).
You are then given a chance to filter on additional selection criteria about the crime code(s) such as: Code Type, Code Section, Description, and Classification. In this example, we are going to look for a specific code section. Select "Code Section" from the Attribute drop down list (A), after the "Starts with" Comparison drop down list enter the code section "3502" (B), and then select the "OK" button (C).
The "OR" button on the Selection Criteria window can be used to search for more than one crime code at the same time.
The Comparison drop down list contains comparison such as: Starts With, Ends With, Contains, etc. and can be used to build complex selection criteria.
More than one Attribute can be used as section criteria at the same time.
After the selection criteria has been entered, select the column(s) you would like to display in the search results. This is accomplished by highlighting the selection from the "Available Columns" list box (A) and either using the arrow buttons (B) or dragging and dropping the items to the Selected Columns list box (C).
Selecting the Second Criteria Group With the first criteria group completed, we must select the second criteria group for the query. In this example, the second group is Cases. From the main query window, select the "Add" button from the upper left.
This time, highlight "Case" (A) and then select the "OK" button (B).
Since we wish to see all cases with the crime code starting with "3502", leave the Case Selection criteria blank and select the "OK" button.
Tips: You can use the Case Attribute drop down list to filter on specific items related to a case such as: Date Reported, Officer, Disposition, etc. or leave the Case Attribute blank to search all cases. Once again, we need to select the column(s) for Case that will display in the results grid. Highlight the selection from the "Available Columns" list box (A) and either using the arrow buttons (B) or drag and drop the items to the Selected Columns list box (C).
After the column choices have been moved, select the "Search" button.
Any crime code(s) matching the crime code search criteria will be displayed in the results grid.
Use the "+" button (A) on the left of the result or the "Expand" button (B) to expand the results and display any cases related to the crime code(s).
Tips: Depending on the amount of information in your agency's database and the selection criteria used, the expand process may take a significant amount of time to load the details.
Drilling Down on the Results By selecting any of the rows on the Case results (A), we have options to view the specific Case Report, open Case Builder, or Assign the case by using the corresponding buttons at the top of the results grid (B).