In-Synch RMS Newsletter - Q3, 2015
Windows 10 Upgrades
If your agency plans to upgrade any existing Windows 7/8/8.1 computers to the Windows 10 operating system, a new In-Synch RMS key may need to be applied after the upgrade. In some circumstances, the upgrade to Windows 10 creates a new computer hardware ID making the existing key invalid. If you receive the out of licenses message box or registration window when trying to launch In-Synch RMS, please contact the In-Synch Systems help desk at 1-800-243-6540 x 1 and let them know that the computer has been recently upgraded to Windows 10, so that a new license key can be applied.

Update: E-Citation Interface
Our Pennsylvania TraCS E-Citation interface has entered its initial testing stage. This interface will allow TraCS traffic citations to be transferred into In-Synch RMS. Over time, we will be adding several additional vendors, in various states, as E-Citation options.
Website Changes In the coming months, In-Synch will be expanding its marketing efforts and will launch an updated website including training videos, a new library of materials, updated functionality, and social media capabilities. We are excited for this change and look forward to providing a great interactive user experience.
We will be hosting a training event on Wednesday, October 14th at Cabelas near Wheeling, WV. If you are interested in attending, please contact Joe Johnston at or 1-800-234-6540 x 2. Interested in hosting a user group meeting or training event in your area? Please contact for more information.
State Reporting
The In-Synch Systems development team is working to expand our current NIBRS certifications to include the states of Wisconsin and Missouri.


Windows XP End-of-Life was 4/2014 Windows Server 2003 End-of-Life was 7/2015 Microsoft will no longer offer any updates or support for these operating systems and often this leads to decreased performance as well as an increase in security vulnerabilities. The use of unsupported operating systems past the software manufacturers end of life often cause lack of compliance with security standards, such as CJIS. More information is available from Microsoft online at :