August 2015 Tips - Exporting to Excel
Exporting Grids to Excel
Many of the data grids found within In-Synch RMS can be exported to Excel (.xls) documents. This allows exported data to be sorted, filtered, or manipulated to make custom reports directly from Excel. Exportable grids include: Call Log, Admin Review, Query, Traffic Citations, Non-Traffic Citations, and Property. Exporting Data Using the Right-Click Context Menu With data populated on the Call Log, Admin Review, Citations, or Property grid, right-click and select "Export to Excel" from the context menu.

From the File Save As dialog window, select a save location (A), enter a file name (B), and then select the "Save" button (C). The file will automatically be appended with the ".xls" extension upon saving. Older versions of the RMS automatically name and save grid exports into the In-Synch folder ("C:\program files\in-synch\" - 32-bit or "C:\program files (x86)\in-synch\" - 64-bit).

Exporting Data from the Query Module With data populated on the Query grid, select the "Export to Excel" button.

From the File Save As dialog window, select a save location (A), enter a file name (B), and then select the "Save" button (C). The file will automatically be appended with the ".xls" extension upon saving. Older versions of the RMS automatically name and save grid exports into the In-Synch folder ("C:\program files\in-synch\" - 32-bit or "C:\program files (x86)\in-synch\" - 64-bit).