January 2015 Tips - Searching Call Notes and Case Narratives
Searching Call Notes and Case Narratives
The Query module from within In-Synch RMS can be used to search narrative fields for specific words or phrases. Searchable narrative fields from Call Log include: Call Notes, Press Release, and Dispatch Record (For agencies utilizing a CADLink interface). Searchable narrative fields from Case Builder include: Officer Narrative.
Searching Call Notes
With the Query module open, select the "Add" button from the toolbar.

Select "Call Log" from the list of criteria and then select the "OK" button.

Select "Call Notes" from the Attribute drop down list.

Enter a word or phrase to be searched and then select the "OK" button.

Multi-tiered queries can be built by using the "OR" button and/or by selecting more than one search attribute. Using the arrow keys on the right of the main Query window, select the fields to display in the results grid. For this example, all fields will be selected by clicking the "double up arrow" button.

Select the "Search" button to process the query.

Search results can be sorted or filtered by column header(s). The narrative(s) can be viewed by double-clicking the "Call Notes" field or by selecting the "Call Summary Report" button at the top of the Search Results window.

Press Release and Dispatch Record can also be queried by selecting either one from the attribute drop down list.

Searching Case Narratives
With the Query module open, select the "Add" button from the toolbar.

Select "Assignment" from the list of criteria and then select the "OK" button.

"Assignment" is how the narrative(s) are related to a case. A case may have several narratives. These narratives may come from different assigned officers or from one officer with multiple assignments to the case. Select "Narrative" from the Attribute drop down list.

Enter a word or phrase to be searched and then select the "OK" button.

Multi-tiered queries can be built by using the "OR" button and/or by selecting more than one search attribute. Using the arrow keys on the right of the main Query window, select the fields to display in the results grid. For this example, all fields will be selected by clicking the "double up arrow" button.

Selecting the "incident_id" field allows the assignment to be tied back to its case. If you wish to view the case report or open case builder from the results grid, include this field in your results. Select the "Search" button to process the query.

Search results can be sorted or filtered by column header(s). The narrative(s) can be viewed by double-clicking the "Narrative" field or by selecting the "Case Report" button at the top of the Search Results window.