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Investigative Tools

Imagine a Records Management System that does more than just record your data. What if your department had a powerful set of investigative tools that could discover patterns and indirect relationships in your database?


What if the investigative information was aggregated in the background without any extra data entry by your staff? 


How could that kind of information lead to solving more crimes?



Link Analysis

Beyond the traditional search functions, In-Synch RMS provides an interactive visual query and link analysis tool, allowing the user to find connections between items in their database.  Master Indexes, Calls-for-Service Reports, and even Case Reports can be viewed directly from the results, without ever having to open another module. 

Master Indexes

Our self-building master indexes are created automatically as your staff conducts their daily activities, doing their normal work of entering calls for service, creating investigative case reports, recording citations and parking tickets, and other related activities.  Master index information is a compilation of data entered throughout the software and is available to quickly view, print, or email.

Data Sharing

In-Synch RMS offers data sharing for cooperating agencies through the master name, organization, address, vehicle, and phone indexes.  Officers can drill down into the details of these indexes to view more granular items. Our data-sharing system automatically updates information as users enter data into the RMS, without waiting for an “upload” to an expensive third-party system.

The data sharing master indexes provide summary information and can include:

  • Contact Information

  • Complete Call for Service Reports

  • Case Summaries

  • Officer Safety

  • Special Handling

  • Warrants

  • Parole, Probation, and Incarceration

  • Physical Descriptions

  • Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and Piercings

  • Drivers License Information

  • Associations

  • Affiliations

  • Traffic Citations

  • Criminal Citations

  • Parking Tickets

  • Court Papers

  • Concealed Weapon Permits

  • Property

  • Drug, Sex, and Arson Registrations

  • Aliases

  • Addresses and Phone Numbers

  • And Much More!

In-Synch RMS data sharing can significantly increase the effectiveness of fighting and solving crime for each cooperating department.

Advanced Search and Query

Our Advanced Search and Query functionality can help end users build simple or multi-level search criteria throughout the modules or the entire RMS system.  Search results are often displayed in a traditional grid format, with the capability to export to third-party software such as Microsoft Excel.  Queries can be saved as private or shared with other personnel in the agency. 

Tell Me More...

What Are You Missing?

More than just a report-writing system, In-Synch RMS includes a suite of Investigative Tools that is the foundation for helping your agency solve more crimes.


Explore our suite of Investigative Tools below:

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